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l Lu Chanjiang, Chair of the Shcool Council

l Master, Associate Researcher, Master Tutor

l In charge of the overall work of the school Party committee

l Research fields: Innovation and entrepreneurship education, Management, Ideological and political education of college students

l Tel: 0771-3232234


l He Deqiang, Vice Dean (In charge of the overall administrative work)

l Doctor, PhD supervisor, Professor

l In charge of the overall administrative work of the school

l Research fields: Mechanical fault diagnosis, Rail transit vehicles, Networked manufacturing

l Tel: 0771-3275513


l Huang Luming, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee

l Master, Associate Professor

l In charge of student work

l Research fields: Employment guidance for college students, Innovation and entrepreneurship guidance for college students, Ideological education for college students

l Tel: 0771-3272505


l Huang Haozhong, Vice Dean

l Doctor, PhD supervisor, Professor

l In charge of scientific research, laboratories and discipline work

l Research fields: Numerical simulation of combustion and emissions of internal combustion engines, Optical and bench tests, Recovery and utilization of waste heat and residual cold energy

l Tel: 0771-3232294


l Li Li, Vice Dean

l Professor

l In charge of undergraduate teaching

l Research fields: Manufacturing informatization, Equipment automation control, Logistics engineering

l Tel: 0771-3272513


l Gao Yuyao, Vice Dean

l Master, Lecturer

l In charge of administration, personnel, law governance and trade union work

l Research fields: News dissemination, Public opinion monitoring

l Tel: 0771-3232294