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 Leading Talents 
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Leading Talents

National Distinguished Expert, Foreign Academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering: Chen Yong

Hundred Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: You Hui, Long Yu

Expert with Special Government Allowance of the State Council: Cai Ganwei

"Bagui Scholar" of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: You Hui,He Deqiang

Outstanding Expert of Guangxi: Cai Ganwei

Candidates of "Ten-Hundred-Thousand Project" of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: Liao Xiaoping, Cai Ganwei, He Deqiang

Teaching Master of Guangxi: Meng Yanmei

Outstanding Teacher of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: Chen Yuanling

Baosteel Outstanding Teacher Award: Zhang Tieyi, Meng Yanmei, He Deqiang, Geng Kuihua, Zhou Xiaorong, Li Yanzhou, Li Jing

Winners of Guangxi Outstanding Youth Science Foundation: Huang Haozhong, Pan Mingzhang, Ouyang Tiancheng

Selected candidate of the Youth Talent Support Project of China Association for Science and Technology (National Youth Talent Program): Mo Shuai

Hundred Talents Program of Guangxi Higher Education Institutions: Chen Yuanfen