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Vehicle Engineering major (Provincial first-class undergraduate major construction site, four-year academic system, Bachelor of Engineering degree)

2024年07月16日 17:03  点击:[]

Training Objectives:Closely combined with the development needs of the automotive industry and the new energy vehicle industry, based in Guangxi, serving the whole country, radiating to ASEAN and facing the world, to cultivate innovative senior professionals with all-round development in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor. Meanwhile, they should with social responsibility, legal awareness, innovative spirit, practical ability and international vision, and master engineering knowledge of vehicle engineering and related disciplines, possess engineering capabilities, humanistic qualities, communication and management capabilities, career development and life-long learning abilities. Besides, they can be engaged in design and manufacturing, application development, scientific research, system integration, engineering technology management and other aspects in the field of vehicle engineering.

Main courses:Mechanical Drawing, Interchangeability and Technical Measurement, Theoretical Mechanics, Materials Mechanics, Mechanical Principles, Mechanical Design, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering, Automobile Structure and Engine Principles, Automobile Theory, Automobile Design, Automobile Experiment, Automobile Manufacturing Technology, Automotive Electronic Technology, Electric Vehicle Technology, Automobile Simulation Technology, Automobile Safety, Intelligent Vehicles and Autonomous Driving, Vehicle Intelligent Terminal and APP Application, Automobile Detection and Diagnosis Technology, Automobile Service Engineering, Automobile Identification and Evaluation, etc.

上一条:Mechanical and Electronic Engineering major (Provincial first-class undergraduate major construction site, four-year academic system, Bachelor of Engineering degree) 下一条:Energy and Power Engineering major (National first-class undergraduate major construction site, four-year academic system, Bachelor of Engineering degree)
