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The Team of Intelligent & green manufacturing

2024年07月16日 15:44  点击:[]

        The team of Intelligent & green manufacturing, or IGM, is led by GXU and includes researchers from a total of three universities: Guangdong University of Technology, Nanning University. IGM is led by director Shanshan Hu. Other collaborators are Chengyong Wang (Guangdong University of Technology), Hongqun Tang (GXU), Yanzhou Li (GXU), Genge Zhang (Nanning University) and Yiyong Han (Nanning University).


        IGM is dedicating to encourage a flood of fresh ideas on Intelligence manufacturing and trying to consolidate the application foundation in the field of Manufacturing processing.  

Director: Shanshan Hu, professor and Ph.D. supervisor of GXU. She received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in mechanical manufacturing and automation from Guangxi University, Nanning, China, in 2005 and the Ph.D. degree in mechanical manufacturing and automation from Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, in 2009. In 2016-2017, she was a visiting professor with the University of Michigan, USA. She has authored and co-authored more than 40 publications in Journals and conferences. Her research interests include the manufacturing rationale of hard-brittle and ductile materials and their composites, the diagnosis and monitoring of machining status, and the application of intelligent algorithms in manufacturing processing, etc. Currently, she is a member of the China Society of Cutting and Advanced Manufacturing Technology and a member of the Advanced Optical Manufacturing Young Expert Committee of the Chinese Society of Optical Engineering.

 Research Projects:

1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)    Recognition and real-time diagnosis of sawing state of heterogeneous composite high-strength concrete under the interference of mixed noises

2. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)    Multi-scale modeling and analysis of dynamic features of dry-cutting concrete with diamond saw blade based on composite multi-layer cutting model

3. Key Support Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)    Theory and Process of Precision and Efficient Manufacturing of Minimally Invasive Surgical Instruments Made of Amorphous Alloy

4. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)    Basic research on the preparation of wear-resistant coatings for high volume fraction nanodiamond aluminum matrix composites based on ultrasonic-friction composite coating 

Research interests:

1. theory, process, tool and monitoring technology of composite material preparation and processing

2. high speed and high efficiency precision and ultra-precision machining theory, process, tool and equipment technology of difficult-to-machine materials

3. special material preparation and performance intelligent control

4. Intelligent production process monitoring technology






Important papers in the last five years

[1]    Yue Zhang, Jose A.Robles-Linares, LeiChen, ZhirongLiao, Albert J.Shih, Chengyong Wang*. Advances in machining of hard tissues – From material removal mechanisms to tooling solutions, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Volume 172, January 2022, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol 172, January 202 103838. (SCI Q1, Top)

[2]    Zhihua Chen, Yue Zhang, Chengyong Wang*, Bin Chen. Understanding the cutting mechanisms of composite structured soft tissues, International Journal of Machine Tools and ManufactureVolume 161, February 2021. (SCI Q1, Top)

[3]    Yue Zhang, José Alberto Robles Linares Alvelais, Lei Chen,Wang Chengyong*, Advances in machining of hard tissues – From material removal mechanisms to tooling solutions, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 172(Suppl 3):103838, November 2021. (SCI Q1, Top)

[4]    Cezhi Du, Chengyong Wang*, Jianbo Sui, Lijuan Zheng. Enhancing Staphylococcus aureus sterilization of stainless steel by the synergistic effect of surface structure and physical washing, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Volume 197 January 2021. (SCI Q2)

[5]    Yang Deng, Wanglin Chen, Bingxin Li, Chengyong Wang*, etc. Physical vapor deposition technology for coated cutting tools: A review, Ceramics International, Volume 46, Issue 11, Part B1 August 2020. (SCI Q2)

[6]    Shanshan Hu, Xiaoyi Yuan, Yujie Ma, Genge Zhang, Chengyong Wang, Xiaolin Pang, Fali Xiong. Temperature-influenced cutting mechanism of UHMWPE fibres, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Volume 113, 15 March 2024, Pages 183-196. (SCI Q1, Top)

[7]    Chen, Bo; Xiong, Feixiang; Hu, Shanshan*; et al. Effect of cooling method on small diameter blind-hole drilling of new β-type dental Ti-Zr-Nb alloy, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Volume 59, November 2020, Pages 421-431. (SCI Q1, Top)

[8]    Yu Liang, Shanshan Hu*, Wensen Guo, Hongqun Tang. Abrasive tool wear prediction based on an improved hybrid difference grey wolf algorithm for optimizing SVM, Measurement, 2022, January. (SCI Q2)

[9]    Hui Liu, Guolin Zhao, Geng-e Zhang, Feixiang Xiong, Shanshan Hu*, Yang Ouyang, Fali Xiong. Three-dimensional modelling and hemodynamic simulation of the closure of multiple entry tears in type B aortic dissectionMedical Physics, 1 December 2023, https://doi.org/10.1002/mp.16852. (SCI Q3)

[10]    Kang Yu, Guoxin Tang, Wen Chen, Shanshan Hu*, Yanzhou Li, Haibo Gong. MobileNet-YOLO v5s: An Improved Lightweight Method for Real-Time Detection of Sugarcane Stem Nodes in Complex Natural Environments, IEEE Access, January 2023, PP(99):1-1, https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3317951. (SCI Q3)

[11]    Mingche Ma, Chaoqing Luo, Simin Chen, Hongqun Tang, Shanshan Hu*, et al. Microstruture evaluation and mechanical properties of high boron-steel with different ratios of boron and carbon, China foundry, 2022, March, Vol.19, No.2; https://doi.org/10.1007/s41230-022-1034-1. (SCI Q3)

[12]    Wen Chen, Chengwei Ju, Yanzhou Li, Shanshan Hu*, and Xi Qiao. Sugarcane Stem Node Recognition1 in Field by Deep Learning Combining Data Expansion, Applied Sciences. 2021, 11, 8663. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11188663. (SCI Q3)

[13]    Yuchen Peng, Biao Huang, Yuefang Zhong, Changchao Su, Zushan Tao, Xincheng Rong, Zhu oyuan Li, Hongqun Tang*. Electrochemical corrosion behavior of 6061 Al alloy under high rotating speed submerged friction stir processing, Corrosion Science, (215)2023,111029, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci. 2023.111029. (SCI Q1, Top)

[14]    Boliang Wu,Yuchen Peng,Hongqun Tang*,Yong-zhong Zhan, Feng-lin Zhang. Microstructural evolution of nanodiamond-reinforced aluminum matrix composites during the process of hot extrusion. Ceramics International, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2023.11.103. (SCI Q1)

[15]    Yin Wang, Yong Li*, Wei Yu, Hongqun Tang*, Haiyao Wang, Guangming Xu, Zhaodong Wang. Effect of a special thermo-mechanical treatment process on microstructure and properties of 7185 alloy.Journal of Alloys and Compounds 935 (2023) 168072. (SCI Q2)

[16]    Yaojie Huang, Fenglin Zhang*, Wei Liu, Jiawan Peng, Jiameng Liu, Yumei Zhou, Hongqun Tang*, Zhenyu Zhao. An environment-friendly metal bond diamond tool based on reactive sintered Fe3Al and grinding performance on ceramics. Ceramics International, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2023.10.158. (SCI Q2)

[17]    Peng Y., Zhang Q., Wen, L.Xie Z., Huang B., Hu S., Tang H.*, Wei C.*. An Investigation into Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of 1060 Pure Aluminum during Submerged Friction Stir Processing at a High Rotating Speed. Metals 2022, 12(2), 201:1-14. https:// doi.org/10.3390/met12020201. (SCI Q3)

[18]    Wu J., Ruan Q., Chen S., Meng C., Xu Z., Wei C., Tang H.*, Wang J.*. Insights into Poisoning Mechanism of Zr by First Principle Calculation on Adhesion Work and Adsorption Energy between TiB2, Al3Ti, and Al3Zr. Metals 2022, 12(2), 286:1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/met12020286. (SCI Q3)

[19]    Wang T, Liu Y, Wang M, Fan Q, Tian H, Qiao X, Y Li*. Applications of UAS in Crop Biomass Monitoring: A Review[J]. Frontiers in plant science,2021,12:616689. (SCI Q2)

[20]    Zhao L , Mo R , Li Y* , G Cai. Influence of the Nonlinear Stiffness Parameter of the Vibratory Stress Relief Device on Strong Nonlinear Superharmonic Resonance[J]. IEEE Access, 2021, PP(99):1-1.(SCI Q3)

[21]    XiQIAO#, Yan-zhou LI#, Guang-yuan SU, etc. MmNet: Identifying Mikania micrantha Kunth in the wild via a deep Convolutional Neural Network, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Vol. 19, Issue 5, May 2020. (SCI Q3)

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