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Innovation Team for Digital Mechanical Design

2024年07月16日 15:46  点击:[]

Team Leader: Professor Jiang Ding

Professor Jiang Ding is a full professor and doctoral supervisor at Guangxi University. He also serves as a doctoral co-supervisor at South China University of Technology. Professor Ding holds the position of Vice Chairman of the Mechanical Design and Transmission Branch of the Guangxi Mechanical Engineering Society. He is an evaluation expert for the National Natural Science Foundation of China as well as for several provinces including Beijing, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Hainan, and Hebei.

As a senior member of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, Professor Ding has a distinguished role in the field. He also serves on the youth editorial board for journals such as the Journal of Bionic Engineering, the Journal of Mechanical Transmission, and the Journal of Henan Polytechnic University (Natural Science Edition). He has held positions as a postdoctoral researcher in civil engineering at Guangxi University and as a visiting scholar at National Taiwan University, Academia Sinica (Taiwan Province, China), and Tsinghua University.

Professor Ding has led numerous national and provincial research projects, including projects funded by the 173 Program Technical Field Fund, the National Natural Science Foundation of China's Youth Program, the Guangxi Natural Science Foundation's Youth and General Programs, and the Guangdong-Guangxi Joint Fund General Program.

Team Members

·  Professor Yuanling Chen: Senior Member of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society and Member of the Fluid Power Transmission Committee of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society. Primarily engaged in research on electro-hydraulic transmission and control of mechanical equipment.

·  Professor Shangping Li: Doctoral Supervisor, Senior Member of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society. Specializes in virtual design and intelligent manufacturing, as well as the mechanization, automation, and intelligentization of sugarcane machinery.

·  Professor Fanglan Ma: Focuses on the intelligent design of agricultural equipment. Key contributor to soil-covering and film-mulching devices for sugarcane planters.

·  Assistant Professor Biao Zhang: Member of the Society of Automotive Engineers of China. Research focuses on intelligent agricultural machinery and lightweight material joining technology for automobiles.

·  Assistant Professor Jingyao Gai: Primarily engaged in research on agricultural robots, machine vision, and artificial intelligence.

·  Assistant Professor Qin Li: Primarily focused on research on traffic data analysis and intelligent connected vehicles.

·  Lecturer Xiaozhi Ren: Primarily engaged in research on virtual simulation and optimization.

Research Directions

·  Mechanical Configuration Design and Optimization Theory: Includes topology optimization methods for complex shapes such as hydro-turbines, wind turbines, and engine blades; configuration design and dynamic characteristic analysis of mechanical components like gears; virtual design and intelligent manufacturing; data-driven design methods; and mathematical twinning.

·  Innovative Agricultural Intelligent Equipment: Includes advanced agricultural machinery such as sugarcane combined harvesters for hilly areas, pre-cut sugarcane planting machines, self-propelled field sugarcane collection and transportation vehicles, and wheel-type sugarcane inter-row cultivators.

·  Tri-Co Robots and Construction Machinery Equipment: Includes autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), biomimetic robots, soft robots, special operation robots (such as agricultural robots, construction robots, and intelligent exoskeletons), vision perception and control technology, and mechatronics-hydraulic cooperative linkage technology.

·  Vehicle and Intelligent Connected Technology: Includes automotive lightweight design, automotive collision mechanics and energy absorption structure design, vehicle-road system coupled dynamics theory, intelligent connectivity and smart transportation, vehicle-road-cloud collaborative perception and autonomous driving, and new energy technologies for automobiles.

Research Achievements

Our team emphasizes collaboration and technology transfer between industry, academia, and research institutions. Through close cooperation with enterprises, we have successfully developed several products with distinctive regional characteristics of Guangxi. We have accumulated substantial practical experience in the design and development of complex electromechanical equipment, virtual simulation analysis, and intelligent measurement and control.

Our team has undertaken five projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, one project funded by the 173 Program Technical Field Fund, two major provincial and ministerial-level science and technology projects, and several other provincial and ministerial research projects. We have received numerous awards, including the Second Prize of Science and Technology Progress by the State Education Commission, the First and Third Prizes of Guangxi Science and Technology Progress, and the Second and Third Prizes of Guangxi Natural Science.

Undertaken Projects

·  173 Program Technical Field Fund: "****** Analysis and Optimization Technology Based on ****" (Project Approval Number: 2021-****-**-*****)

·  National Natural Science Foundation: "Design Theory Research of Broadband Nonlinear Piezoelectric Generator Based on Line Tooth Manifold" (51905113)

·  National Natural Science Foundation: "Study on Vibration Performance of Sugarcane Harvester Cutting System Under Complex Excitation" (51465006)

·  National Natural Science Foundation: "Research on Automatic Control System of Cutting Depth of Sugarcane Harvester Suitable for Hilly Areas" (51465004)

·  National Natural Science Foundation: "Design Theory of Coordinated Linkage Electro-hydraulic System of Sugarcane Combine Harvester Based on Load Feature Prediction" (51665004)

·  National Natural Science Foundation: "Research on the Motion Mechanism and Visual Virtual Design of Sugarcane Harvesting Machinery" (59965001)

·  13th Five-Year National Key R&D Program Sub-Project: Integrity Testing and Functional Safety Evaluation of Typical Safety Protection Systems for Large Amusement Facilities (2020-2021)

·  Guangxi Science and Technology Department Science and Technology Project: "Development of Small Sugarcane Harvester Product and Its Key Technology Suitable for Hilly Areas" (Guikegong0992002-18)

·  Guangxi Innovation-Driven Development Major Project: "Research and Development of Self-Propelled Field Sugarcane Collection and Transportation Vehicle" (GuikeAA17202043)

·  Guangxi Science and Technology Key R&D Program Project: "Intelligent Pre-Cut Planting Sugarcane Machinery" (AB16380199)

·  Guangxi Science and Technology Key R&D Program Project: "Research on Key Technologies and Whole Machine Integration of High-Efficiency Pre-Cut Double-Bud Segment Planter for Sugarcane and Its Precise Control of Transverse Planting" (GuikeAB18281016)

·  Guangxi Natural Science Foundation General Project: "Research on the Combined Control Method and Topology Optimization Design Theory of Line Tooth Stiffness" (2021GXNSFAA220095)

·  Guangxi Natural Science Foundation Youth Project: "Research on the Kinematics and Dynamics Design Theory of Line Tooth Large Length-Diameter Ratio Cantilever Beam Structure" (2017GXNSFBA198233)

·  Guangxi Science and Technology Base and Talent Special Project: "Research on Intelligent Sanitation Vehicle Self-Following Control Method Based on Human Dynamic Behavior Tracking"

·  State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Subtropical Agro-bioresources (Open Topic): "Research on the Impact of Transverse Machine Planting on Sugarcane Growth Traits"

·  State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Subtropical Agro-bioresources (Open Topic): "Research on the Impact of Mechanical Cutting on Seed Cane Quality, Sugarcane Emergence, and Early Growth"

·  China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: "Research on the Multi-Wall Surface Coordinated Mass Transfer Ridging Mechanism for Congealed Clay Flow" (2023MD734147)

·  2022 Guangxi Postdoctoral Innovation Talent Program: "Collaborative Optimization Design Research on Thermal Energy Efficiency and Stability of Intermittent Chain Plate Oil Sludge Desorption System"

·  Guangxi Major Science and Technology Special Sub-Project: "Research and Demonstration of Agronomic and Agricultural Machinery Integration of Stubble Cane Leaf Shredding and Returning - Ridging - Fertilizing - Ridging Integrated Operation" (GuikeAA22117004-1)

·  Guangxi Science and Technology Base and Talent Special Project: "Energy-Saving Control Strategy for Distributed Drive Electric Vehicles Based on Long and Short-Term Speed Prediction" (GuikeAD23026205)

·  Tsinghua University Tianjin High-End Equipment Research Institute Project: Research on Ultra-High Pressure High-Speed Aviation Plunger Pump (2020-2022)

上一条:State Monitoring and Fault Prediction Team 下一条:Complex Mechanical Product Optimization Design and Reliability Team
