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The School of Mechanical Engineering of Guangxi University held the celebration ceremony for its 90th anniversary

2024年07月16日 16:52  点击:[]

Gather talents from all over the world and forge the glory of machinery. On November 18th, the celebration ceremony for the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the School of Mechanical Engineering of Guangxi University was grandly held in Huixuetang. Lin Guoqiang-the vice chairman of the political association of the autonomous regionandthealumnus of theCast Class of 1977inourschool, and Ma Xianli-the deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Guangxi University, attended and spoke at the conference. More than 1500 peopleparticipated in the grand event, including tsenior leaders, senior teachers, alumni, teachers and students representatives of the School of Mechanical Engineering, guests from industries and enterprises and all walks of life who care about the development of the school, as well as leaders of various functional departments and schools of Guangxi University. The conference was presided over by Gao Yuyao, the vice dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering.



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